Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Beginning...

The records of this blog tell me the last time I visited it was 'March 31st 2009'. Simple maths tells me that's 2 years back. I further venture to complicate the same since its a lazy afternoon and there's not much to do. So, that's 772 days to the day. Push further? 18528 hours...

'Why am I here?' I ask myself, I am bulldozed with possible reasons. Too many even for a lazy summer afternoon. Is it because of the many years gone by? Is it because of the potential lesser remaining? Would never know. But there is and must be a reason. That's what conventional wisdom preaches. Is the reason a 'purpose'. Is it further justified having found the word. Questions galore.

More than ever before am convinced, the purpose lies in the 'untold', in the 'unseen', in the 'un.....'. Having realised this, now what? Where do I begin? Where do I proceed? Where do I intend to reach? What am I expecting to find?... Experience, justified with a few grey hairs, tells me not all questions are supposed to be answered. The insignificant fade and the important nag along. What one cannot answer, time takes the onus. What is 'tomorrow', will soon be 'today' and subsequently 'yesterday'. The shades of time will thus unfold the truth on the appropriate day. Till then... ?

This leads me to the question - Is it the journey or the destination? The 'destination' is too definitive for my comfort. Would rather embrace the 'journey'. Thus, begins my resolve to wonder, in the search of 'nothing', knowing very well that along this unmapped path the 'truth' I have not sought will unfold. As I do so I can't ignore my inner self which tells me 'in yesteryears lie the peace and tranquility that we search for in the morrow'. Can I go back? Can I defy time? Ironic as it is, only TIME will tell....

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